The National Road Safety Action Plan 2018–2020 (Action Plan) is intended to support the implementation of the National Road Safety Strategy 2011–2020 (NRSS). It details priority national actions to be taken by governments over the final three years of the NRSS, from 2018 to 2020.
The Action Plan was developed cooperatively by Commonwealth, state and territory transport agencies, and was endorsed by Ministers of the Transport and Infrastructure Council in May 2018. The Action Plan supports the broader 10-year agenda of the NRSS by ensuring that national efforts in the final three years of the NRSS are focused on strategically important initiatives.
The content of the Action Plan is available from the following links, and the entire document is also available as a pdf below.
- Introduction
- Priority Actions for 2018–2020
- Other Critical Actions
- Monitoring and reporting
- Addressing road safety issues across the Safe System
- Post 2020—the next National Road Safety Strategy
PDF version
National Road Safety Action Plan 2018–2020 PDF: 3615 KB